Conference speakers

In this section you find the speakers of the Conference, the content of their speeches and their CV.

There are 1 keynote speech, 1 endnote speech4 sessions with 10 Workshops or Presentations each and 1 session of 5 talk/open discussions with the Teams of the EUPRIO Mobility Programme 2024-2025. You can select one activity per session.


Thursday, August 21, 2025

16:30-17:30 Parallel Session 1 - lecture rooms, ground floor and 1st floor

17:30-18:30 Parallel Session 2 - lecture rooms, ground floor and 1st floor


Friday, August 22, 2025

10:30-11:30 Parallel Session 3 - lecture rooms, ground floor and 1st floor

12:00-13:30 The EMP results: an open discussion 

15:00-16:00 Parallel Session 4 - lecture rooms, ground floor and 1st floor


This is the area where the Euprio Conference 2025 takes place on ground floor and 1st floor


map of the venue of the conference



Marcel Salathe keynote speaker at EC2025
EPFL Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne


Andreas Archut speaker at the EC2025
University of Bonn
Melianie Bartos speaker at the EC2025
University of Innsbruck
John Cavani & Ben Hugs at the EC2025
University of Suffolk
Andrea Costa speaker at the EC2025
Bocconi University
Marlene Günsberg speaker at the EC2025
Hanken School of Economics
Bath Spa University
Gea Kääpa speaker at the EC2025
University of Tartu
Daniel Kaszynski speaker at the EC2025
SGH Warsaw School of Economics
Ewelina Kędzior speaker at the EC2025
SGH Warsaw School of Economics
Farida Khali speaker at the EC2025
Université de Fribourg
Deirdre Kilbride speaker at the EC2025
Una Europa vzw
Alice Lacroix speaker at the EC2025
Université de Liège
Katja Lahti speaker at the EC2025
Aalto University
Edd McCracken speaker at the EC2025
The University of Edinburgh
Ole Frank Nielsen speaker at the EC2025
Faculty of Arts Aarhus University
Katelijne Ulenaers speaker at the EC2025
Universiteit Hasselt
Roel van Herpt speaker at the EC2025
Maastricht University
Sys Christina Vestergaard speaker at the EC2025
Aarhus University
Julius Wesche speaker at the EC2025
NTNU Science Impact Academy
Jana Wilbricht speaker at the EC2025
University of Bergen

Conference programme